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Location:  Gdańsk-Siedlce, , ul. Powstańców Warszawskich
Founder: Grupa LOTOS S.A.
Equipment: analyser SO2,  analyser NOx , analyser particulates matter,  meteorological  meteorological equipments : speed and wind direction, humidity, temperature ,pressure & precipitation

Producer of meteorological equipment  is Vaisala company , analyser NOx
company  THERMO ENVIRONMENTAL INC ,Teledyne company for SO2 & CO analyser, particulates company RUPPRECHT&PATASHNICK.
Station has been  started  working  since 1996 and was joined to network  in 1997.


Location:  Gdańsk - Stogi, ul. Kaczeńce
Founder: Grupa LOTOS S.A.
Equipment: analyser SO2,  analyser NOx , analyser BTEX, analyser particulates matter,  meteorological meteorological equipments :
speed and wind direction, humidity, temperature ,pressure & precipitation .

Producer of meteorological equipment  is Vaisala company , analyser SO2 and NOx  is company  THERMO ENVIRONMENTAL INC, analyser BTEX company Synspec, analyser particulates company RUPPRECHT&PATASHNICK.
Station has been  started  working  since 1996 and was joined to network  in 1997.


Location: Gdańsk - Nowy Port, ul. Wyzwolenia
Founder: EDF Wybrzeże S.A.
Equipment: analyser SO2,  analyser NOx , analyser particulates matter, analyser CO, analyser CO2  and  analyser O3.
meteorological equipments: temperature and pressure.

Producer of meteorological equipment  is company KROENIS,  producer of  analysers and is company  THERMO ENVIRONMENTAL INC. Station has been  started  working  since 1996 and was joined to network  in 1997.


Location : Gdynia - Pogórze, ul. Porębskiego
Founder : EDF Wybrzeże S.A.
Equipment: analyser SO2,  analyser NOx , analyser particulates matter, analyser CO, analyser CO2  and  analyser O3.
Meteorological equipment : speed and wind direction, humidity, temperature ,pressure & precipitation

Producer of meteorological equipment  is Vaisala company,  producer of particulates analyser is company EBERLINE and  for the rest analysers is company  THERMO ENVIRONMENTAL INC. Station has been  started  working  since 1997 and was joined to network  in 1997.


Location: Gdańsk - Szadółki, ul. Ostrzycka
Founder: Przedsiębiorstwo Eksploatacji Rurociągów Naftowych "PERN" w Płocku
Equipment: analyser SO2,  analyser NOx , analyser particulates matter, analyser CO and  analyser O3.
Meteorological equipment: speed and wind direction, humidity, temperature ,pressure & precipitation

Producer of meteorological equipment  is Vaisala company,  producer of particulates analyser is company EBERLINE and  for analysers SO2,NOx, CO is company  THERMO ENVIRONMENTAL INC , for the analyser ozone is Teledyne company. Station has been  started  working  since 1998 and was joined to network  in 1998.


Location: Sopot - Dolny Taras, ul. Bitwy pod Płowcami
Founder: Wojewódzki Fundusz Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej w Gdańsku
Equipment: analyser SO2,  analyser NOx , analyser particulates matter, analyser CO. Meteorological equipment : speed and wind direction, humidity,  temperature, radiance, precipitation and pressure.

Producer most of meteorological equipment is company KROENIS,for precipitation is THIES CILMA company,for radiance company is KROENIS company .   Producer of particulates analyser is company EBERLINE and  for SO2& CO analysers is company  THERMO ENVIRONMENTAL INC., for NOx Teledyne company. Station has been  started  working  since 1998 and was joined to network  in 1998.


Location: Tczew, ul. Targowa
Founder: Wojewódzki Fundusz Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej w Gdańsku
Equipment: analyser SO2,  analyser NOx , analyser particulates matter, analyser CO. Meteorological equipment : speed and wind direction, humidity,  temperaturę ,precipitation and pressure.

Producer most of meteorological equipment  is company KROENIS,for precipitation is THIES CILMA company.   Producer of particulates analyser is company EBERLINE and  for SO2,& CO analysers is company  THERMO ENVIRONMENTAL INC, for NOx analyser isTeledyne company. Station has been  started  working  since 1998 and was joined to network  in 1998.


Location: Gdańsk - Wrzeszcz, ul. Leczkowa
Founder: Przedsiębiorstwo Przeładunku Paliw Płynnych Naftoport sp. z o.o Gdańsk
Equipment: analyser SO2,  analyser NOx , analyser particulates matter, analyser CO. Meteorological equipment : speed and wind direction, humidity,  temperaturę,precipitation and pressure.

Producer most of meteorological equipment is company KROENIS, for precipitation is THIES CILMA company ; Producer of particulates analyser is company EBERLINE and  for the rest analysers is company  THERMO ENVIRONMENTAL INC. Station has been  started  working  since 1998 and was joined to network  in 1999.


Location: Gdynia Redłowo, ul. Kopernika,  change of location form 01.01.2010  on Gdynia ul. Szafranowa
Founder: Fundacja Współpracy Polsko-Niemieckiej
Equipment: analyser SO2,  analyser NOx , analyser particulates matter and analyser O3. Meteorological equipment : speed and wind direction, humidity, temperature, radiance, precipitation and pressure.

Producer most of meteorological equipment is Vaisala company, for radiance company is KROENIS company,  producer of particulates analyser is company EBERLINE and  for the rest analysers is company  THERMO ENVIRONMENTAL INC. Station has been  started  working  since 1999 and was joined to network  in 2000.


Location: Gdynia Port , ul. Wendy
Founders: Gmina Gdynia, Stocznia Gdynia S.A, Port Gdynia S.A, Bałtycka Baza Masowa sp. z o.o , Stocznia Remontowa " NAUTA" S.A, Stocznia Marynarki Wojennej
Equipment:  analyser NOx , analyser particulates matter, analyser NH3 . Meteorological equipment : speed and wind direction, humidity, temperature ,pressure & precipitation .

Producer of meteorological equipment is Vaisala company ,  producer of particulates analyser is company EBERLINE, for NH3 is company  THERMO ENVIRONMENTAL INC, for analyser NOx is Teledyne . Station has been  started  working  since 2001 and was joined to network  in 2001.

2006-2008 Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone dla Fundacji ARMAG

Project and realisation: zjednoczenie.com