Information and alarm thresholds

PollutantStatusMax. valuesStation
Sulphur dioxide (SO2)brak--
Nitrogen oxides (NO2)brak--
Ozone (O3)brak--
Particulate matter (PM10)brak--


  • brakno pollution episode
  • ! Information threshold
  • ! Alert threshold

Information threshold for some substance in air

No.SubstanceAveraging timeInformation threshold for some substance in air  μg/m3
1.Ozone (O3)1 hour180
2.Dust (PM10)24 hours100

Alert threshold for some substance in air

No.SubstanceAveraging timeAlert threshold for some substance in air  μg/m3
1.Sulphur dioxide (SO2)1 hour500
2.Nitrogen oxides (NO2)1 hour400
3.Ozone (O3)1 hour240
4.Dust (PM10)24 hours150

2006-2008 Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone dla Fundacji ARMAG

Project and realisation: